Connecting Cultures Through Music
Course Curriculum
Courses Begin January 14, 2017 || 09h-16h (9am-4pm) GMT - 5
Tandapata Barrio San Blas #370
Cusco, Peru
First Trimester: January - April
- Students will learn how to use their tools
- Students will learn how to put their tools together
- Students will practice cutting wood and learn the properties of the different woods
- Students will learn the exact measurements and forms of all elements of their instruments
Second Trimester: May - August
- Work will begin on their first charangos
- Students will learn how to properly assemble their instruments
- By the end of this stage, students will have a firm grasp on how to create the basic form and shell of their instruments
Third Trimester: September - December
- Students will learn to put the finishing touches on their instruments
- Students will put the strings and their instruments and tune them properly
- Students will learn the basics of playing their instruments
** Video and Photo updates on the students' progress will be made available at the close of each quarter.